25 10, 2020

Tax Debt Attorney Reveals Best Kept Secret For Getting Rid of Tax Debt in 2020

By |2020-12-03T21:11:48-05:00Oct 25, 2020 |Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, IRS Debt|0 Comments

Fort Lauderdale Bankruptcy:  The Best Way To Deal With IRS Tax Debt – Get Rid of It!

I don’t know too many people that are not intimidated by the IRS!  After all, they are a pretty powerful agency that can make your life miserable.  As a former client once said when we were able to eliminate $450,000 of tax debt in a Chapter 13 bankruptcy – “I just got my life back!”

If you owe money to the IRS, you can get your life back too.

The most important thing to do is take action as soon as an IRS agents contacts you about your [read more]

17 09, 2020

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy is Better Than Debt Settlement

By |2020-10-25T11:50:52-04:00Sep 17, 2020 |Chapter 13 Bankruptcy|0 Comments

You’re starting to see the debt settlement commercials everywhere again. Did you know that the main funders of those companies are the creditors themselves? The truth is that credit card companies do not want you to file bankruptcy because the bankruptcy laws are fair but offer them no leverage. The bankruptcy code decides what they get, if anything, and givers you power over what they get. In a debt settlement, they get to decide if they will participate and they get to decide how much they want to settle the debt. Take it or leave it. In Chapter 13 bankrutpcy, the [read more]

17 09, 2020

Is Chapter 13 Right for You?

By |2020-09-18T17:18:26-04:00Sep 17, 2020 |Chapter 13 Bankruptcy|0 Comments

Most people know something about Chapter 7 bankruptcy as it’s usually the chapter they go to talk to an attorney about. After meeting with a Fort Lauderdale bankruptcy attorney, however, they are usually surprised to hear that Chapter 13 is the better chapter to file under for their particular situation. Several considerations could ultimately determine whether Chapter 13 is the best solution for your financial problems. An experienced bankruptcy attorney will be able to help you decide which chapter is best for you.

Sometimes there is no choice in the matter because you don’t qualify for a Chapter 7. To file a chapter [read more]

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